Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Si Yu'os Ma'ase' for your support of the "Seven Heroes of Malesso'"

Si Yu’os Ma’åse’ for joining us to witness the signing of Bill 303-36 in honor of the “7 Heroes of Malesso," namely Jose "Tonko" Reyes, Vicente Meno, Patricio Taijeron, Nicolas Ada, Mariano Nangauta, Jose Nangauta, and Juan Acfalle Naputi, who prevented a total massacre of the people of Malesso❣️🙏  I’m proud to say that my Tata, Juan Acfalle Naputi, and my 2 uncles (my Nana’s brothers), Mariano Nangauta & Jose Nangauta, are 3 of the 7 heroes. Malesso is the only village liberated by the villagers themselves and not by the U.S. Armed Forces. May all our heroes Rest In Peace! If it weren’t for them, I would not be here today.

Read more here:

Seven Heroes of Malesso' Highway dedicated to the men who saved the village -

Seven Heroes Honored with Bill 303-36 Signing into Law -

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