Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Florida Adventures

Reflecting on our unforgettable trip to Florida in late May fills me with joy. What started out as a journey to the family conference turned into an incredible adventure. Faust and I had an amazing time exploring Gatorland, where we each had the thrilling opportunity to hold an alligator and even have a snake wrapped around our necks! The Kennedy Space Center amazed us with its fascinating exhibits, rockets, space journey presentations, and more! Michelle and I also had a delightful adventure at Chocolate Kingdom. She surprised me with a chocolate bar personalized with my name, adding sweetness to our journey. Faust's excitement was boundless as he experienced the magic of Disneyworld and the thrill of Universal Studios. Despite all the walking and the heat, every experience was priceless and memorable. Enjoy the following snapshots from the sunshine state!

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