Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, September 27, 2008

When a family member has cancer, it can be shocking and tragic for all members. I am grateful that my mother, Julia Santos Naputi, has survived cancer, and will be able to spend Mother’s Day with us. She lives life to the fullest each day, and cherishes the time she spends with family and friends.

L-R: Julia Naputi Rivera, Joaquin Naputi, Joaquin “Kinny” N.A. Rivera, Julia Naputi, Novalei & Isabella. Back row: Matilda Naputi Rivera, Jose, Lahna, Felicia, Joaquin Jr. & Fausto Naputi Rivera III.

Story in the Pacific Daily News:

Full Story from the Pacific Daily News:

When a family member is stricken with cancer, it can be shocking and tragic for all members. Today I am grateful that my mother, Julia Santos Naputi, has survived cancer, and will be able to spend Mother’s Day with us. My family is blessed that she arrived safely from San Diego yesterday evening.

It has been emotional and challenging especially for my father, Joaquin Nangauta Naputi, who is my mother’s caretaker. I see the love that he possesses, as he takes the time to cook for her, take her to the hospital for chemotheraphy and radiation treatments, and so much more.

My mother says that she is at ease with her circumstances because her eyes are open to the good of God, which is always present. She releases what she cannot change and makes wise choices in areas where she can. She is grateful for her life and the abundance present within it. She is grateful to all my family and friends for their concern, love, caring, masses, and prayers.

On January 2006, she was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer (nose and throat cancer). Small nodules were found on the left and right side of her neck area. She was scared. She wondered why this happened when things were going great in her life. She was the Area Manager for General Nutrition Center. She did aerobics daily and dutifully took her vitamins.

The three months of radiation and chemotherapy weakened her body, and she lost 30 pounds. With my father’s undying support and caring, affection from families and friends, many prayers and masses on Guam and San Diego, she made it through. Then on September 2006, three small swellings were noticed on her lungs. A series of cat scan, pet scan and biopsies revealed it was growing. On March 2007, she went through the chemotherapy regiment again. As always, families and friends rallied to support her.

On this Mother’s Day, my mother wishes to give thanks to family and friends for their continued prayers. It is a circumstance in her life she has to deal with. She works hard to nourish her positive state of mind through daily exercise, prayers, and creation of gifts and souvenirs. Working on various gifts and souvenirs keeps her occupied. Otherwise, she would dwell on her cancer. She lives life to the fullest each day, cherishes the time she spends with family and friends, and leaves things in God’s hands.

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