Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, May 05, 2008

The family is considered to be one of the most powerful indicators of success for children. Parents’ literacy skills, along with their attitudes about learning, have an immense impact on their children’s academic achievement. The family is considered to be the venue for the transmission of knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.

Family literacy is a way to teach families to read and write so that they can help their children at home. It embraces the intergenerational links which can interrupt the cycle of illiteracy. In an effort to promote family literacy, I’ve created the ABC’s of Family Literacy, which include the following:

ABC's of Family Literacy

A lways take the time to read to your child at home.
B elieve in your child’s ability to achieve literacy success.
C reate a print-rich environment.
D iscover the importance of literacy together.
E ncourage your child to read daily.
F ocus on a positive reading experience.
G rab your favorite book and read!
H andle reading and writing with care.
I nspire your child to read with meaning.
J oin family literacy events.
K eep up the great work!
L isten to your child read.
M ake reading a ritual at home.
N ever give up!
O pen your mind to the wonderful world of reading!
P repare your child for literacy success.
Q uality time is essential. Make time for it.
R ead and write with enjoyment.
S et a good role model.
T alk about the books you are reading.
U se prior experience and knowledge to enrich your child’s reading.
V isit the library or bookstore and select an age-appropriate book to enjoy reading.
W ear a SMILE!
X out and conquer all obstacles.
Y ou can make a difference!
Z oom in on literacy strategies to enhance reading.

Family literacy is important in our ever-changing society. Our children must listen, read, write, and learn each day, so that their lives can be enriched in meaningful literacy. There’s no doubt that when family literacy is strengthened, our children’s literacy skills will increase.

Family Literacy Web Site Resources:

Pictured below: The Rivera Kids were awarded during the Guam Public Library System’s “Hang Out & Read” 2007 Summer Reading Program. Pictured L-R: Fausto, Joaquin, and Julia Naputi Rivera.

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