Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, June 05, 2008

We all know that our health is vital, so it’s important to take good care of ourselves. Of course, that’s easier said than done. I know what to eat and avoid, yet for some reason I find myself in a bad habit of binging the “good stuff” (junk food). I know that I should exercise on a daily basis, yet many times I find an excuse. Does this all sound familiar to you? Well, I aim to do a better job by leading a healthier lifestyle. Will it work? Well, I’m hopeful, and I will certainly do my best! Wish me luck!
By the way, here’s a poem about health that I hope you’ll enjoy:
Your Health
Live each day with care,
And take time to smell the fresh air.
Don’t overwork yourself –
Take care of thyself.
Eat the right foods,
For it does affect your moods.
If you have a problem, tell a friend you trust,
For you’ll feel better at the end.
Exercise each day,
In a suitable way.
Get enough sleep,
But don’t oversleep.
Remember that your health,
Is your greatest wealth.

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