Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, March 27, 2009


Life isn’t all that bad, right?! There’s no doubt that life can be rather challenging, and we just have to hang in there, because sooner or later we will find that it is “coolness” after all. Life is a gift from God, so it’s important that we cherish it, enjoy it with family and friends, and take the time to make a difference in whatever way we can. You have to have faith and sincerely do your best in all that you do, because the “coolness” abounds us! Enjoy the following poem regarding this very subject!


In the dark bellowing night

Springs forth an echo

Ringing in my ears,

“Where is this coolness I’ve been hearing of? Does it really exist?”

With each resounding

The echo beckons to be heard

From every spectrum

From every coolness angle that abundantly exists

Among those who possess the coolness touch.

Seek and you shall find

Ask and you shall receive

Stay coolness and you will be endowed

With that coolness sensation

Only resolved for the coolest of them all

And the answer has come forth with the familiar adage:

“Coolness abounds us!”


INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: Coolness abounds those who genuinely seek it.

Source: Guam Poets Club, URL:

Can you hear the Coolness Echo, as my daughter sings this song? It's there if you genuinely seek it! After all, "Coolness abounds us!" Way to go Julia!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The 28th Annual International Pacific Islands Bilingual Bicultural Association (PIBBA) Conference will be held Monday-Thursday, June 22-25, 2009 in Guam. The theme is "Invigorating Languages and Cultures of the Pacific."

The Pacific Educational Conference (PEC) will take place Wednesday-Thursday, July 15-17, 2009 at the University of Guam. The theme is “Preparing the Pacific Child for Life.”

The 22nd Annual Regional Language Arts Conference will be held Friday-Saturday, November 6 & 7, 2009. The theme is “Multicultural Approaches in Language Arts Education.”

The School of Education’s First International Conference on Current Trends and Challenges in Education will be held Monday-Wednesday, December 14-16, 2009 at the Guam Marriott Resort and Spa.

The 28th Annual International Pacific Islands Bilingual Bicultural Association (PIBBA) Conference will be held Monday-Thursday, June 22-25, 2009 in Guam. The theme is "Invigorating Languages and Cultures of the Pacific."

Have you ever struggled some time in your life? What steps did you take to resolve your dilemma? It’s not easy when challenges are in your path. Nevertheless, you have to pick yourself up and begin anew, so that you can gain the hope to succeed. As part of your success, it’s also important that you live a life that matters. This can only occur if you are genuine in making a difference in the lives of others. Enjoy the following poem relating to this very subject!


Do your best
In all that you say
In all that you do
To make your life worth living
To make a difference in the lives of others.

Realize that you're important to someone
And your genuine help from the kindness of your heart
To pick up others when the odds are stacked up against them
Gives them hope when they have none.

If you help out others with no expectations in return
Then your life will be enriched with abundant goodness
And perhaps one day someone will be there for you too.

Living life right
Sacrificing even it hurts so much
Taking on meaningful challenges that may stab your heart a bit at times
All the while striving to be on the side with one's angel
Whom absorbs the goodness of your beautiful soul
Enables you to live a life that matters.

Keeping up the faith
Working as brothers and sisters
To make this world a better place
Moves a nation and heals our souls -
Tis the power of unity!

Remember that beauty is not dependent on your looks or wealth
But who you are deep within -
A remarkable and beautiful person filled with so much love to spread
Filled with inspirational momentum
To help others because you truly do care
Because you know it's the right thing to do
To make a difference!

And though you're hurting
Though your life is filled with strife that strikes your gentle soul
Sometimes you have to let things go even if you’re hurting deep inside.
You have to release your hold
And let things be
Because maybe it was never meant to be.

Sometimes you have to realize that you can’t take things for granted
Because when you least expect it
What you thought you had can be suddenly stolen
As if someone pulled the carpet fast from under your feet.

You have to hold your head up high even if you would rather cry.
You see, life can be very cruel
And it won’t get any better
Unless you move on with your life
Cut your losses
Invest in hope and faith
And with each day you’ll get stronger, and stronger, and stronger…

Grasp and gain the strength from deep within and trust in God
To live a life that makes a difference -
Tis the wonderful gift of life!
So join me, if you will and
Let's live a life that matters
Because together…
We can make a difference!

INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: Together, We Can Make A Difference!!

Source: Guam Poets Club, URL:

Friday, March 13, 2009

I am pleased that the Island Girl Power (IGP) strives to ensure that their mission of providing positive alternatives for young ladies is effectively upheld. There’s no doubt that IGP empowers its members, encourages them, and inspires them to be confident in their efforts to succeed, which ultimately discourages teenage pregnancy, suicide, substance and sexual abuse. As stated in the organization’s website -, “We are compelled to speak out against Alcohol Sponsorship of Family & Youth Events and Negative Images of Women and Girls in the Media and in the Community.” That’s doubly wonderful! Way to go, IGP Director, Juanita Blaz, and her volunteers, sponsors, and of course, members! Enjoy the following poem written by an IGP member, who is grateful for her experience:


Island Girl Power
Oh how I love it so!
Just learning valuable skills
Just making cool friends
Just being myself and knowing that I can make a difference
Has motivated me to soar for success
Because I’m an Island Girl with Power!
Tamuning, Guam

INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: Island Girl Power is Da Bomb!

Source: Guam Poets Club, URL:

Saturday, March 07, 2009

In continuation with the valuable recognition of exemplary teachers who truly make a difference in the positive development/progress of their students, enjoy the following poem. Let us continue to thank those outstanding teachers who impact the lives of their students!

A Dedication to My Wonderful Teacher!

Thank you for everything
For motivating me with your special grace
For allowing me to shine and share my talents
I’ve learned so much this year and I will never forget you
I will never forget the special times we’ve shared
Learning the skills so that I can succeed
While also playing games like kick ball; what a blast!

You truly are a gem
And I want you to know that no matter what they say
You are the best in every way!
Tamuning, Guam

INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: A teacher’s grace can do a world of wonders!

Source: Guam Poets Club, URL:

I recall some of the best teachers I've had. They made learning worthwhile, educational, and truly meaningful! Some of those best teachers came from my Alma Mater, including Merizo Elementary School, Price Elementary School, Rancho Elementary School, St. Francis School and Notre Dame High School! It's hard to imagine that now both of my oldest children attend ND! In particular, I'll always remember walking in the halls of ND, having that Royal pride, knowing that my teachers cared, and being empowered to make a difference! Enjoy the following song my daughter performed with much ND Royal Pride!