Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Washington D.C. Visit/Snapshots

While in Washington D.C. for the OSEP IDEA Leadership Conference, we were able to network with other ICC state chairs, parents, service providers, and more. It was held July 29 to August 1, and its theme was Leading Together to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career.  I was able to increase my schema, including the following: awareness of support for better outcomes for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities and their families; enhancement of leadership roles by being able to hear from experts in the field and to learn about evidence-based practices that will support participants' ability to improve results for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and their families. I also had the opportunity to participate in the White House and Capitol tours. This included paying a courtesy visit to Guam Congresswoman Bordallo. This provided additional insight on D.C. legislation that impact OSEP/ICC and other funding, laws, closing the gap, etc. that impact our children with special needs, service providers, their families, and more. Thankfully, my nephew, Manny Naputi, was able to drop me off at the White House. Enjoy the following snapshots taken during my D.C. trip!

OSEP Conference: Representatives from Guam attended the 2012 OSEP IDEA Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. The conference provided participants with additional knowledge of special education priorities and initiatives within the U.S. Department of Education and efforts to align requirements, foster achievement, and increase collaboration among States, constituencies, and agencies.
Pictured L-R:  Charles Kniseley; OSEP TA; Yolanda Gabriel: Assistant Superintendent, Special Education; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Vice-Chair. Guam Interagency Coordinating Council; Patricia Mantanona, GEIS Program Coordinator; June Quitugua, Guam CEDDERS; Laura Taisipic, Special Education SPC, SpEd Parent Services Coordinator; June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS; Evelyn Claros, GAPSD representative; Catherine Tydingco, SpEd,SPC, GEIS/PreSch Programs Coordinator; Terese Crisostomo, SpEd, Special Projects Coordinator; and Jonas Dorego, DOE SpEd Compliance Officer.

Visit with Guam's Congresswoman.  Pictured L-R:  Guam Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo and
Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera.
My nephew Manny Naputi took the time to drop me off at the White House.

The above are a couple of pictures of me in front of the White House.

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