Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, November 11, 2012

UOG Alumni Reunion a Success!

The UOG Alumni Reunion "Celebrate Good Times!" event held Friday, November 9, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel was memorable.  The SOE Alumni Officers also took a number of mini-studio photos to make a lasting impression.  Enjoy the following snapshots!

UOG ROTC Drill Tream Performance

SOE Alumni Officers strike a pose!
Pictured L-R:  Margaret Beem, Vice President; Grace Griffin, President; and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster.  Not pictured are Martha Sudo, Secretary; Rose Marie Castro, Treasurer; Lois T. Gumataotao, PIO; and Dr. Lourdes P. Klitzkie, Advisor.

SOE Alumni Officers Take 2!
Pictured L-R left photo:  Margaret Beem, SOE VP; Rose Marie Castro, SOE Alumni Treasurer; and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, SOE Alumni Webmaster.  Right photos:  Martha Sudo, SOE Alumni Secretary; VP Beem; Treasurer Castro; Webmaster Dr. Rivera; and Grace Griffin, SOE Alumni President.  Not pictured are Lois T. Gumataotao, PIO; and Dr. Lourdes P. Klitzkie, Advisor.

SOE Alumni Officers Take 3!
Pictured L-R:  Margaret Beem, SOE Alumni Vice President; and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, SOE Alumni Webmaster.  Not pictured are Grace Griffin, President; Rose Marie Castro, Treasurer; Lois T. Gumataotao, PIO; and Dr. Lourdes P. Klitzkie, Advisor.

SOE Alumni Officers Take 4!
Pictured L-R:  Rose Marie Castro, Treasurer; Martha Sudo,  Secretary; and Margaret Beem, Vice President.  Not pictured are Lois T. Gumataotao, PIO; Dr. Lourdes P. Klitzkie,  Advisor; Grace Grfiffin, President; and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster.

SOE Alumni Officers Take 5!
Pictured L-R:  Martha Sudo, Secretary; Rose Marie Castro,  Treasurer; and Grace Griffin, President.  Not pictured are Lois T. Gumataotao, PIO; Dr. Lourdes P. Klitzkie,  Advisor; Margaret Beem, Vice President; and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster.

SOE Alumni Officers Finale Photo!
Pictured L-R:  Margaret Beem, Vice President; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster; Rose Marie Castro, Treasurer; Grace Griffin, President; and Martha Sudo, Secretary.  Not pictured are Lois T. Gumataotao, PIO; and Dr. Lourdes P. Klitzkie,  Advisor.

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