Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, June 07, 2013

TESOL Teacher of the Year

TESOL recognizes the unique challenges faced by English language teachers and the hard work and dedication it takes to overcome those challenges. The TESOL Teacher of the Year Award, presented by National Geographic Learning, was created by TESOL and National Geographic Learning to recognize and honor exceptional English language teachers at the elementary/secondary and postsecondary/adult education levels.
Is there an outstanding teacher in your life?
TESOL is now accepting nominations and applications for the Teacher of the Year Award.
15 June: Nomination Deadline
30 June: Application Deadline

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