Be the change you want to see in this world

"Winning starts in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive, it will achieve."
-Joaquin Nangauta Naputi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, January 30, 2009

There’s no doubt that we have to take care of ourselves, so that we may lead happier lives. It won’t be easy, as you must discipline yourself to eat the right foods, exercise, and get enough rest. It’s certainly tough for me, but I’m doing my best to gain the strength to move forward day by day. I wish you the best of luck in doing the same. Enjoy the following poem, which I hope will inspire you to maintain your health.


Live each day with care,
And take time to smell the fresh air.
Don’t overwork yourself –
Take care of thyself.
Eat the right foods,
For it does affect your moods.
If you have a problem, tell a friend you trust,
For you’ll feel better at the end.
Exercise each day,
In a suitable way.
Get enough sleep,
But don’t oversleep.
Remember that your health,
Is your greatest wealth.

INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: Take care of thyself to live a more vibrant life!

Source: Guam Poets Club, URL:

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